A Little Insight to Fleecher Designs


Extra! Extra!

The wonderful leader of Fleecher Designs, Laura, was featured in some pretty great podcasts & interviews over the last week. If you’re ever wondering how Fleecher Designs got started and how we became the company we are today, be sure to check them out!

The first one we’ll link to is Laura’s Mission Driven Monday interview with Chantel Adams. This 12-minute interview is such a great insight to how Fleecher Designs started.

We’ll give you a hint: 5th grade t-shirt design contest.

Give it a listen here!

In Elevate’s Higher Level Podcast with Laura - the 2nd interview that dropped last week - you’ll get to learn a little more in depth about the struggles Laura overcame (and it still overcoming) when starting Fleecher Designs. She even talks a little bit about her daughter, Sophie, her husband’s deployment and, of course, Disney.

Check it out here!

Let us know what you think!